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2024/1/3 2:08:14发布25次查看
中国网浪潮新闻 近日,一封来自美国州圣荷西市的感谢信漂洋过海寄到了宁波高新区国税局。美籍华侨戴昇华、郑健翚夫妇在信中盛赞了该局税源管理四科干部,并且宣称要将这一充满正能量的事迹发表到美国报刊,让全球的群众都知道宁波公务员的“高效热情”。
cncao news recently, a letter of thanks from san jose city, america was sent to the state administration of taxation ( sat ) of ningbo new high-tech development zone. the american overseas-chinese couple, dai shenghua and zheng jianhui, gived great gratification to cadres of the forth branch of tax source management and also said to get such a story full of positive energy to be published in american newspapers to render the global public to know the effectiveness and enthusiasm of civil servants in ningbo.
in the end of april this year, dai shenghua and zheng jianhui who were both over seventy years returned ningbo to get procedures of ancestral house demolition to be handled after 13-hour flying.
they were told that not until they got the review of exchange management records could the money be transferred to their american accounts because of their foreign identities. and the enrollment of foreign payment tax is under the control of department of state's taxation and the remitter must belong to the unit of tax revenue source.
on the afternoon of april 28 beijing time, the couple came to sat of ningbo new high-tech development zone while being told because of the incomprehension of materials provided by them and the lack of tax register number of the demolition unit, relevant business couldn't be transacted for them.
at the moment, zhuo biao, section chief of the forth branch of tax source management, came to the tax service hall to explain the polices and regulations to the two senior men with seeking for help from xu wenbiao, the deputy director. and after xu reported to ningbo municipal official sat. while he was negotiating with related departments at the same time, it was finally decided to make the demolition unit entrust luotuo removal office, as the third party organization to send the money.
for the time was limited, zhuo biao drove his own car to take the couple directly to camel removal office and got everything settled down by 18:00 in that evening.
zhen jianhui stated, although we have obtained the green cards ( permanent resident cards ) in america, we are still thought to be foreigners with yellow skin. only returning to the motherland could we feel the warm of home and such affection could merely be actually sensed by overseas wanderers.


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