name 品名: moscato giallo trentino doc castel firmian
该款 菲米亚城堡莫斯卡托白葡萄酒产自特伦蒂诺的酒庄,这款葡萄酒是清新的,爽快的和唇齿留香的. 随着时间增加还具有鲜花味,芦笋味,红果味的味道. 这款葡萄酒搭配家禽类,鱼类或者海产品一起享用堪称完美,味道更好。适合饮用的温度:4-8°,
which moscato giallo trentino doc castel firmian produced in trentino winery, this wine is fresh, refreshing and fragrant lips and teeth. increases over time also has flowers smell, taste asparagus, red fruity taste. this wine with poultry fish or seafood enjoy perfect together, taste better.
中国 广州